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White Water Canoe Coaching


This is an ideal course if you've had a recent knock in your confidence, or are trying to push your boating to the next level.

Everyone works in a different way so the session will vary depending on those on the course and where possible video feedback will be used, when appropriate, to give you the most from the session and a direction for the future.

We'll start by having a few observations of your paddling. Once we have an understanding of your needs we will move into practical indivdualised coaching that strikes a balance between psychological and technical/tactical input and practical application.

You'll also leave with a personal action plan to help support to in your development.


The course will be run over 1 day.
The days normally run from 9.30am until 5pm (depending on time of year).


  • Throw line and river knife if you have one
  • Dry suit or wetsuit that will keep you warm throughout the day along with a cag and suitable thermal layers for the weather conditions
  • Food and warm drink (to be taken on the river) and suitable means of carry such as a dry bag, clipped into the boat
  • Dry land clothing suitable for outdoor use.

No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.

Current Courses