All bookings are made with Darren Joy of, (hereinafter referred to as The Company)
The director of the company is Darren Joy.
The final balance should reach The Company no later than 30 days before the course. If the balance is not received by the specified date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and your deposit will be forfeited, unless a delay in your payment has been agreed by the Director of The Company.
Bookings accepted after the balance due date can be secured with the appropriate deposit and full payment, must then reach us within 7 days of us confirming your booking.
- We accept payment by cheque or bank transfer. All payments are to be made to Darren Joy or Fluidskills - Notice of cancellation must be given in writing.
Should you cancel, the following scale of charges will apply:
- Cancellation more than 60 days before the course starts - loss of deposit. (15% of the course total cost)
- Between 31 and 59 days before the course starts - loss of 60% of the total course cost
- Less than 30 days before the course starts - loss of 100% of the total course cost.
Should we cancel, the following scale of charges will apply:
- 100% of the total course cost refund
- Any refunds via a pay pay payment lose 4% pay pal fee that they take for the transaction
Should the Foreign Office (FO) cancel the ability to travel or use the selected area the following scale of charges will apply:
- 85% of the total course cost refund - loss of deposit. (15% of the course total cost)
- Any refunds via a pay pay payment lose 4% pay pal fee that they take for the transaction
Similar terms are adopted throughout the travel industry and cover the costs of advanced payments made by the company. Cancellation charges may be covered by your travel insurance provided the reason for cancellation falls within the terms of the policy
If you wish to transfer from one course to another, an administration charge of £80 will be payable, up to the time that the final balance becomes due. Any transfer after this point will be treated as a cancellation.
A transfer request must by notified in writing and will not be agreed on the original course booked until the administration charge has been received.
Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the planned itinerary, it must be realised that with this type of adventurous activity, changes to the programme will occur from time to time.
The Company accepts neither responsibility nor liability, for any ensuing costs, of the consequences of any such change, however caused.
- Circumstances may arise where we are forced to alter dates, course duration, or venues before a course starts. We will try to inform you of any such changes as soon as we know of them.
- On assessing the conditions expected to be encountered or the abilities of the course students, our coaches may decide to alter any proposed plan, river objective, river section or activity if they believe that to continue with the published itinerary, or any latterly agreed alternative, would place anyone at undue risk.
- Our coaches will do their utmost to ensure that any problems are solved for the benefit of the course team as a whole.
Signing or agreeing the booking to the booking form signifies your acceptance of the coaches' authority to make decisions affecting the group or individuals. For instance, the coach may require an individual or individuals to leave the course if they believe that a person or persons health is at risk, if an illegal act is committed, or behaviour may become, or has been, detrimental to the safety, enjoyment or well-being of the group.
- A client leaving a course at any stage, for whatever reason, will not be entitled to any refund unless agreed by the Director of The Company.
- Course sizes described in these Terms and Conditions, are target sizes and may be changed at the discretion of The Company.
- We reserve the right to cancel any course that does not receive sufficient bookings to make it financially viable.
- Anyone booked onto a course cancelled by The Company will be entitled to a full refund.
Anyone on such a course will be invited to transfer to another course and no transfer fee will be payable.
Should they transfer to another course, any difference in price will be invoiced or credited accordingly.
Neither The Company nor any of its representatives will be responsible for any illness, injury or death sustained on our courses, barring negligence by the company or it's staff, nor will they be liable for any uninsured loss of personal property.
The Company cannot be made liable for the consequences of strikes, industrial action, wars, riots, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions or other untoward occurrences, whatever they may be.
The company receive regular Travel Advice from the UK Foreign Office (FO). We will not knowingly operate trips in contravention of such advice if it is published on the due start date of an trip.
If the FO Advice effectively puts the destination country or significant parts of the country out of bounds during the trip dates such as to make the trip objective untenable the following terms and condtions will be used.
Should the Foreign Office (FO) cancel the ability to travel or use the selected area the following scale of charges will apply:
- 85% of the total course cost refund - loss of deposit. (15% of the course total cost)
- Any refunds via a pay pay payment lose 4% pay pal fee that they take for the transaction
If the main river objective remains achievable in observance of the FO Advice, we will alter the itinerary . For example, the FO may advise that it is unsafe to travel through an area which lies on the published approach. In such circumstances, if the river can be reached by using an alternative route, we will do so and the trip can still be run.
If the FO does not issue advice against travel, a disinclination to travel on the basis of a perceived threat or hazard, howsoever formed, will be interpreted as a voluntary cancellation and the charges set out in booking condition above will apply
Non-UK Nationals should consult their own government for advice on travel to the destination country and all countries transited en route
For all courses, your are advised to have insurance that covers you for all of the activities to be undertaken, including adequate insurance for white water kayaking in mountain areas, including cover for search, helicopter rescue and medical repatriation. it is important that your travel cover includes - consequences of strikes, industrial action, wars, riots, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions for your protection.
Having made every effort to ensure the correctness of The Company's website, and these Terms and Conditions, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.
Prices on The Company's website are correct at 1 st November 2019.
The Company's agents and representatives, other than a Director of the Company, are not entitled to promise refunds for whatever reason, and The Company will not be bound by any such promises.
- These booking conditions may only be waived in special circumstances, and in writing, by a letter from the Director of The Company.
- The terms and conditions of all agreements made with The Company shall be subject to, and governed by English Law.
- When making your booking it is implied and accepted that you have read and understood all these booking conditions and agree to abide by them.
Brexit transition
All European paddling courses in 2021 maybe subject to change or cancellation due to the ongoing brexit trade negotiations. Currently with no deal being signed, we are unsure about what permission may be needed or the format of working in Europe. As soon as this matter is resolved we will update this page. Please not all deposits will be refunded if work in Europe is not allowed, please contact us for further information.
It is very important that you read this document very carefully, and ensure that you understand it .
I declare that the information on my Booking From is true and correct, and I have not withheld any information that may be used in determining my ability to participate in my proposed course.
In consideration of Darren Joy trading as accepting my application for this course, I agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risks (collectively this agreement).
I waive any and all claims I may now and in the future have against, release from all liability and agree not to sue Darren Joy trading as, its officers, employees, guides, agents or representatives (collectively its staff) or the Licensor for any personal injury, death, property, damage or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in this course with Darren Joy trading as I am aware that this course, in addition to the usual dangers and risks inherent has certain additional dangers and risks some of which may include:
- Physical exertion for which I may not be prepared;
- Weather Extremes subject to sudden and unexpected change;
- Remoteness to normal medical services;
- Evacuation difficulties if I am disabled.
I accept all the inherent risks of the proposed course and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting there from. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of these types of courses is derived in part from inherent risks incurred by these activities beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for my participation.
I agree that if I suffer injury or illness Darren Joy trading as may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and medical evacuation as it is deemed essential to my or the group's safety.
In entering into this agreement, I am not relying on any oral, written or visual representations or statements by Darren Joy trading as, or its staff, or any other inducement or coercion to go on the adventure trip hence only of my free will.
I confirm that I am over 18 (eighteen) years old, and that I have read and understood this agreement, and Terms and Conditions prior to signing it and agree that this agreement will be binding upon me, my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and successors.
I agree that this agreement shall be goverened in all respects by, and interpreted in accordance with the law of the United Kingdom.