No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.
The sheltered water coach training is based on the knowledge, understanding and skills that the coaches need to ensure the athletes/learners in their care are appropriately provided for. This includes:
assessing athlete/learner performance and needs
designing and delivering progressive practice/training sessions to meet these needs
managing safety
creating an enjoyable motivating learning environment
skills to support your own personal learning and professional development
The 2 day training course focusing on the What and How to coach, building on your core training in the enviroment that you wish to coach.
You can choose to be a Sheltered water kayak coach or Sheltered water canoe coach or both Sheltered water canoe/kayak coach for your pathway.
When you feel ready for your assessment contact us to start arranging your assessment plan and assessment day.this normally takes up to 2 weeks before your assessment day.
You will need to have completed the British Canoeing assessment prerequisites , Your elearning or Level 2 assessment portfolio casestudy and Workbook.