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BC Paddle Sport Instructor

UKCC / BCU Level 1 Paddle Sport Coach picture


First of all, this is the qualification used by outdoor centres, organisations and clubs to support their activity delivery. Secondly it doesn’t matter if you Canoe, Kayak, Sit on Top Kayak, Stand Up Paddleboard, this course allows you to develop your existing skills and passion for paddlesport.

The programme will explore a variety of subjects, here is an outline of what you will cover during your course:


There will be opportunities to develop and progress your own paddling skills and meet likeminded people during the course, many of our course candidates develop long lasting friendships, connections and contacts.

You can read the full course guide here: Paddlesport Instructor Course Guide

You could also take a look at the Free Paddlesport Instructor eLearning Click here

  • It’s your journey, our highly experienced tutors are trained to support you throughout this practical course.
  • Your course will support you to run games, activities to support learning and inspire adventure for new paddlers.
  • This qualification is open to everyone over 14 years of age!
  • Do you want to introduce people from all walks of life to paddlesport by running fun, engaging taster and starter sessions?
  • How to effectively prepare a group for an activity (e.g. kitting up and getting afloat);
  • Together you will play with a range of activities to engage the group (e.g. games, tasks and journeys);
  • You will explore a range of motivating activities and games that support learning;
  • The tutors will support you to plan ways of using mini journeys to inspire adventure and exploration;
  • You will develop ideas that allow you to help participants learn basic skills;
  • Our tutors will share top tips and quick fixes for common challenges to accelerate learning;
  • You will investigate how to select suitable equipment for participants;
  • You will explore methods of maintaining participants’ safety and develop your understanding of deployment matters.



Before you book onto your Paddlesport Instructor Course, you will need to be a member of British Canoeing and attend a Foundation Safety And Rescue Training Course and complete your registration.


Anyone wishing to pursue a Coaching or Leadership Qualification is required to centrally register with the appropriate National Association (British Canoeing, Canoe Wales, Scottish Canoe Association, Canoe Association of Northern Ireland).Registration is the process by which you confirm your intention to study towards a particular qualification. It includes:

  • Checking of previous qualifications
  • Completing and signing the Registration Form
  • Medical Declaration (if required)
  • Setting up and providing access to course resources and eLearning (where applicable)
  • Acceptance of the terms and conditions of study and helps you understand your rights
  • Whilst undertaking the qualification and how your data will be used.

Once you are registered you become a learner with the Home Nation and we are able to contact you with relevant information and updates to your course of study, help you find a course and local support or mentoring.


We would recommend that you register as early in your development journey as possible to access all of the support and learning resources. As a bare minimum and to support your learning we would recommend registering at least two weeks before starting your course. Registration is an online process through your British Canoeing membership portal. Registration is separate from booking a place on a course; the latter is done directly with the Course Provider. It is worth noting that many Course Providers want to see evidence of Registration at the point of booking.


Our highly trained and experienced tutors will explore the knowledge and skills required to keep you and your fellow paddlers safe on sheltered water paddling trips, this fun practical day will be spent looking at simple situations faced by paddlers utilising problem solving and your normally paddling equipment to provide solutions.

You can do both of these things, and find available Paddlesport Instructor courses, using the finder. Click or tap the relevant links below. 


The combined training and assessment practical course, is based on the knowledge, understanding and skills that the instructor needs to ensure the participants in their care are appropriately provided for. This includes:

Practical skills (training focus): 
  • the ability to effectively prepare a group for an activity (e.g. kitting up and getting afloat);
  • a repertoire of activities to engage the group (e.g. games, tasks and journeys);
  • a range of motivating activities and games that support learning; 
  • a range of strategies for utilising mini journeys to inspire adventure and exploration; 
  • how to help participants learn some basic skills;
  • top tips and quick fixes for common challenges to accelerate learning when required; 
  • selection of suitable equipment for participants; 
  • how to maintain participants’ safety; 
  • understanding of deployment matters.
Engagement and relationship building skills (training focus): 
  • the ability to quickly build relationships with group members; caring, friendly, approachable;
  • the ability to motivate and inspire the group; 
  • effective decision making to deliver (and adapt) sessions that are both safe and enjoyable;
  • communication skills. 
Professional standards (formative assessment): 
  • professional behaviour;
  • working as part of a team; 
  • clear and effective communication;
  • minimising negative impact on the environment and other users;
  • an active engagement in personal learning and development.
Personal paddling and rescue skills (assessed): 

Please see the checklist in Appendix 1 of the Course Guide; this is based on the assessment requirements. 

You could also take a look at the Free Paddlesport Instructor eLearning:  Click here


No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.


No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.

Current Courses


BC Advanced white water safety (2024-11-18 /£230)

BC Advanced white water safety (2024-12-05 /£230)

BC Advanced white water safety (2024-12-12 /£220)

BC white water safety (2024-11-04 /£200)



Personal Development

Advanced white water canoe rescue (2024-10-31 /£230)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-08 /£110)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-20 /£110)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-22 /£110)


BC Advanced Canoe White Water Leader Training (2024-12-21 /£230)

BC Advanced Open Canoe Open Water Leader Assessment (2024-11-13 /£250)

BC Advanced Open Canoe Open Water Leader Training (2024-11-11 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader assessment (2024-12-11 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader training (2024-12-09 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader training (2024-12-14 /£220)

BC white water kayak leader training (2024-10-28 /£230)