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BCAB Stand up paddle board coach award assessment

BCAB Stand up paddle board coach award assessment

No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.


We do everything we can to take the stress out of assessments, we are focused on the journey and not the destination. The experience will be safe, engaging and enjoyable, with the you at the heart of the process involving you in as much of the decision making as possible.

As soon as you are considering taking your assessment we encourage you to 'Check-in'. This free peace of mind registration checks you have everything in place for your assessment - find out more on the Registration Tab.

Once your checked in you can arrange an assessment


Your assessor will guide you through the stages of arranging your assessment, discussing with you the best times and dates for the assessment, helping you ensure you have someone to coach and the appropriate assessment conditions on the day.

Your assessment will include:

  • Assessment Discussion Task
  • Practical Coaching
  • Rescue Skills
  • Personal Skills
  • Background Knowledge, Understanding and Experience

You can look at the Assessment Day Pack here. (Download and print a copy for your assessment day).

You can look at the Assessment Guidance here.


Every coach will prepare differently for their assessment, however we have provided a couple of examples of preparation for your Assessment Discussion Task here:

You also might find it useful to prepare for the discussion around your Background Knowledge, Understanding and Experience by logging your coaching experience in a logbook like this Coaching and Leadership Logbook you can also use the headings suggested and make your own!


We believe in assessments for learning and you will definitely learn a lot from your assessment, to find out more click on the assessment tab.


Check In is a process for coaches who are planning to attend a Coach Award Assessment course. The purpose of Check In is to confirm the coach holds all prerequisites, its free, quick and confirmation sent straight to your inbox*. This should then be shared with the assessor to confirm eligibility for assessment. It also gives you peace of mind that you have everything you need in place and you can focus on enjoying your assessment. Please do not try to check in unless you hold all prerequisites, including the completion of Coach Award eLearning module.

  • Confirmation of Check In will not be issued until the conditions are met.
  • Please Check In using your Membership Portal. Under the Menu tab, select Registrations.

*Note - as long as you meet the prerequisites, you will be automatically sent confirmation of your Check In. **Note – if you are aware that your record is out of date (for example your First Aid has expired) we recommend you email the check-in form to us with a copy of updated certificates.

No course dates currently available.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange or create a new course date.

Current Courses


BC Advanced white water safety (2024-11-18 /£230)

BC Advanced white water safety (2024-12-05 /£230)

BC Advanced white water safety (2024-12-12 /£220)

BC white water safety (2024-11-04 /£200)



Personal Development

Advanced white water canoe rescue (2024-10-31 /£230)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-08 /£110)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-20 /£110)

Bespoke Coaching (2024-11-22 /£110)


BC Advanced Canoe White Water Leader Training (2024-12-21 /£230)

BC Advanced Open Canoe Open Water Leader Assessment (2024-11-13 /£250)

BC Advanced Open Canoe Open Water Leader Training (2024-11-11 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader assessment (2024-12-11 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader training (2024-12-09 /£250)

BC advanced white water kayak leader training (2024-12-14 /£220)

BC white water kayak leader training (2024-10-28 /£230)